Sum it Up! #40 There are a few cases that I am watching: The Italian Supreme Court heard arguments today re Amanda Knox. The story on CNN is here. The issue of extradition will most likely fail since the US Constitution prohibits that someone faces another prosecution on substantially the same charges (double jeopardy). Note […]
Forensic arson detection
Update McLeod in 1989 arson case
Prosecutors have recently filed a brief with the New Hampshire Supreme Court arguing for the admission of evidence they deem critical to their 1989 arson case against David McLeod that killed the Hina Family. “Earlier this year, the high court accepted a pretrial appeal from the N.H. Attorney General’s Office, which is asking it to […]
Texas board: no review of arson convictions
Exciting news for those interested in arson convictions. From the Mercury: “The Texas Forensic Science Commission on Friday approved 17 recommendations for improving arson inquiries. The panel also is suggesting a review of murder convictions involving fires, starting with prisoners on death row.” Of course, reading about forensic arson detection brings to mind the cases […]
Sum it up! #3
Week 3: Sum it up! We saw a mixed bag of information this week about cold cases, DNA, forensic labs, testing and of course, funding. DNA was instrumental in cracking the 1994 throat slashing murder of Theresa Whetstone (Buffalo, NY) and the 1985 murder of Candace Derksen (Elmwood, Canada). At the same time, we see DNA backlogs […]