The Second Girl by David Swinson is the first in a series featuring retired cop Frank Marr. He is damaged like the cop in Swinson’s first book “A Detailed Man.” Marr is worse though. Marr is a junkie. Even when faced with a chained scarcely clad teen his mind drifts. Whether it is the pain in […]
David Swinson
Recap #CrimeChat Aug 26, 2013 with David Swinson
Recap #CrimeChat Aug 26, 2013 with David Swinson. This hour combined being a cop with promoting rock punk while jotting down ideas for books. We found out that all along David wanted to be a writer. Thinking he’d get a couple of good stories working for a while as a cop … well, he became […]
10Qs for David Swinson
David Swinson kicks off a new interview series geared towards authors and explores their work and vision. David’s career has taken him from promoting punk rock to stakeouts in law enforcement. Now he writes. His first book was “A Detailed Man” and coming soon is part II in the Ezra Simeon series “A Confidential Life.” So before […]
#cclivechat recap May 4, 2012
This #cclivechat has as guest David Swinson, a retired DC cop turned author. David was assigned to the Special Investigations Bureau/Major Case and after that to the (now defunct) Career Criminal Unit. He specialized in what became known as “Narco Fencing” and worked with HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking). Many of his cases were international in […]
A Detailed Man by David Swinson
When I finished reading “A Detailed Man,” my first reaction was a sigh of relief that David Swinson is no longer a cop. You see, the last thing that you want to happen to your friends is that they become “damaged.” David Swinson‘s first book introduces you to a cop who is damaged, literally and […]