Recap #CrimeChat Aug 26, 2013 with David Swinson. This hour combined being a cop with promoting rock punk while jotting down ideas for books. We found out that all along David wanted to be a writer. Thinking he’d get a couple of good stories working for a while as a cop … well, he became one. But then the job grew on him, entered his veins, formed him and ultimately, he remained a cop for years.
Now as a retired cop, David spends his time writing. His first efforts were on the blog Case Jackets which he started anonymously. However, when people started to wonder whether any of that was real, he came out.
For inspiration David only needs to do some reminiscing to his years as a cop. We might see some of his rock punk years pop up some time in a book. David took us along a Club tour in DC and spoke about his favourite bands. One Club has such a fantastic name: the Coconut Teaser. I got all these ideas for crimes in my head when I read that name! He leaves coconuts with his victims as a signature or, he tortures his murder victim family members by sending them coconuts or, his preferred method of killing is poison mixed in a coconut cocktail! See? That’s what you get with an overactive imagination. Mine can keep me distracted all day!
Anyway, David’s next book will be out soon so check back often here and on Twitter for the latest. And while you are at that, tell him I want to hear those childhood stories!