Recap #CrimeChat Feb 16, 2013 Subject: King Richard III A fascinating 90+ minutes with a line-up of great people on Twitter all discussing the finding of Richard’s skeleton, his armour, his reign and fate, and of course … could he have killed his older brother’s children. As requested, some links: my mini-series on the cold […]
Princes in the Tower
King Richard III: Part 3
In Part 3: we continue to explore possibilities to determine whether King Richard III was guilty of regicide. We conclude this mini-series on the the Princes in the Tower and whether their uncle, King Richard III, is justly accused of being their murderer. While I was pondering whether to discuss some more books that I […]
King Richard III: Part 1
After I posted my take on the historical mystery of the Man in the Iron Mask, Suzie suggested that I look at King Richard III and the case of the Princes in the Tower. King Richard III is in general regarded as their murderer and the play by Shakespeare has done everything to cement that […]