The family of Harry “Buddy” Browe, Jr. contacted me. To be precise, Tina, the daughter of Louise who is Harry’s youngest sister, emailed me. She told me that the family has tried for years to get attention for this case. They contacted radio and TV shows but everyone told them that they already have enough […]
Where is Harry Browe, Jr?
The Harry Browe, Jr case is a mystery. It is an old Michigan missing person case from the 30s. What do we know? On September 5, 1936, around 430pm, brothers Charles (9) and Edward (7) Browe left from home to visit Clark Park (Detroit) with their baby brother Harry in his stroller. At that time […]
The Cold Case of Tamara Greene
The Cold Case of Tamara Greene remains a mystery. In the early morning hours of April 30, 2003, Tamara Greene was shot to death in a drive-by shooting. She was in a car with her boyfriend Eric Mitchell. Mitchell survived the shooting. The Detroit News described that Greene was in the driver’s seat and that they […]
Still unsolved: Tamara Greene
Still unsolved: Tamara Greene was shot to death in a drive-by shooting back in 2003. She was an exotic dancer that was believed to be at a rumored – but never proven – party at the Manoogian Mansion when Kwame Kilpatrick was Mayor of Detroit. In April 2013 a federal appeals court ruled to uphold a […]