WARNING: this post has crime scene and autopsy photography from both Keith Combs and Eugene Ellis. Introduction On the morning of Sept. 25, 1993, people riding off-the-road motorcycles found the bodies of Keith Edmond Combs (Aug 20, 1970 – Sept 25, 1993) and Eugene Clifford “Cliff” Ellis (June 21, 1973 – Sept 25, 1993). They […]
Unsolved Homicide
The Cold Case of Tamara Greene
The Cold Case of Tamara Greene remains a mystery. In the early morning hours of April 30, 2003, Tamara Greene was shot to death in a drive-by shooting. She was in a car with her boyfriend Eric Mitchell. Mitchell survived the shooting. The Detroit News described that Greene was in the driver’s seat and that they […]
The new IACHR report on the Highway of Tears
The new IACHR report on the Highway of Tears can be found here. It “is just one more reason for a national inquiry, said Prince George lawyer Mavis Erickson of the international body’s report. “It’s such a dismal picture, but I think that the Inter-American Commission has done a good job in bringing the issues […]
The December Killings
The December Killings always give me pause. During this month, we lost Maria Ridulph, Shawn K. Simmons, Officer Deriek Crouse, Kimberly Ann Thompson went missing, Leo Resk, and Gregory McRoberts was killed in a hit-and-run. Michelle Martinko was murdered, Eric Beasley was killed, and Amber, Karmon, and Kameron Willingham died during the accidental fire that led to their father’s wrongful execution. Patty Vaughan […]
Lisa Peak – Julie Benning – Valerie Klossowsky
Lisa Peak – Julie Benning – Valerie Klossowsky is a guest post written for DCC by Jody Ewing, the blogger behind Iowa Cold Cases. I was contacted a while ago by a reader, Tom, who alerted me to Lisa’s case. After an Internet search, Jody and I decided to work on this together and see […]
Carmen Melinda Croan (Jan 16, 1963 – Aug 23, 1981)
Carmen Melinda Croan (Jan 16, 1963 – Aug 23, 1981) was murdered when she was just 18 years old. She doesn’t have a good web presence. The only information on the Odessa Crime Stoppers page is as follows: “It has been over 20 years since the brutal slaying of Carmen Croan. Her body was found on […]
Jacobs not guilty of Blakelock murder
Nicholas Jacobs was found not guilty of the Blakelock murder during the 1985 Broadwater Farm Riots. From the Huffington Post: “Nicky Jacobs, who was 16 at the time, went on trial at the Old Bailey accused of being one of the rioters who together stabbed the officer more than 40 times and tried to decapitate him. There […]
Help needed in Karen Caughlin case
OPP seeks help in 1974 cold case of Karen Caughlin as her death nears the 40th anniversary on March 16th. From CBC News: “Ontario Provincial Police hope a new appeal to the public will help reinvigorate an investigation into a four-decade-old homicide. Police on Thursday released a seven-minute video detailing the events of the day Karen Caughlin […]
In loving memory: Teresa Sue Hilt
In loving memory: Teresa Sue Hilt. Today, Sunday August 4th, 2013, marks the 40th anniversary of Teresa‘s murder. A few days ago, I spoke to her mother. Teresa’s mom is 86 years old now and hurts every day for the loss of her only child. She lost her husband Stanley years ago. He was never […]
The Caughlin family: enough!
Enough energy has been put into asking, begging the OPP to re-evaluate the cold case of Karen Caughlin. Their hearts broken since Karen’s murder in 1974, the family has decided to stop talking to the media. From the PetroliaTopic.com and sent to me by Kathy Caughlin: “Two years after calling for the external review, Caughlin says […]