This Memorial Weekend we pause to reflect on our freedom and the people who made that possible. Many soldiers overseas have asked for eBooks as a small token of our appreciation. The Indie Book Collective has gathered all the information and has put together authors and bloggers to make this happen. On this page you […]
Delphine Pontvieux
Estimated Time of Arrest by Delphine Pontvieux
Estimated Time of Arrest by Delphine Pontvieux. My second book review for “Blog Tour de Troops” is just like the eyes on the cover: different. The abbreviation ETA reflects the fate of one of the main characters, Lorenzo Lartaun Izcoa. However, ETA of course, also stands for Euskadi Ta Askatasuna. The author gives an overview of the Basque Nationalist […]
Blog Tour de Troops Explained
Blog Tour de Troops Explained. Did you know that over 300 overseas troops have requested books? And the Indie Book Collective is going to make sure they get them. This Veterans Day weekend, November 11th-14th, any reader can take part in the charity that gives back to the troops! Over 50 authors will be giving away […]