This Memorial Weekend we pause to reflect on our freedom and the people who made that possible.
Many soldiers overseas have asked for eBooks as a small token of our appreciation.
The Indie Book Collective has gathered all the information and has put together authors and bloggers to make this happen.
On this page you will find the schedule for today’s authors. Each has posted about Blog Tour de Troops and many have added their own memories and dedications. More schedules will follow since Blog Tour de Troops runs for four days. Please check back with the Indie Book Collective for the author and blog schedules.
My contributions are reviews of the books of Jill Paterson and Delphine Pontviex as posted on DCC. Comment and get a free eBook and send one to our Troops!
Estimated Time of Arrest by Delphine Pontvieux is just like the eyes on the cover: different. The abbreviation ETA reflects the fate of one of the main characters, Lorenzo Lartaun Izcoa. However, ETA of course, also stands for Euskadi Ta Askatasuna. The author gives an overview of the Basque Nationalist and Separatist Organization. As we learned recently, the ETA announced an end to violence.
Whether this will truly be the end remains to be seen as the ETA did not announce what they will do with their weapons supply and what it will do to make sure that no splinter organization carries on violent campaigns with ETA signature actions.
Murder at the Rocks by Jill Paterson has become a favorite book. In n contrast to what you might read in the title, the Rocks do not refer to the beach. They refer to a mansion but to me the Rocks refer to the main characters. How far will a parent go to protect their child? What sacrifices is one person willing to make to ensure someone else’s happiness even if that means forsaking their own?
Have fun blog hopping and say “Thanks” to a veteran or soldier in a very unique manner!