Guest blogging for GMA was my pleasure and absolute honour.
This UK based blog on human rights is from Global Minorities Alliance, a non-profit, non-governmental human rights organisation.
They believe that all human beings, regardless of race, colour, religion or belief, faith or no faith, gender, or membership of another particular social group, should be treated as equals.
Find out more about them here.
My guest post explains how wrongful convictions and cold cases are connected using Richard Lapointe’s case as an example. We still do not know who really killed Mrs. Bernice Martin. In March 2015, the Connecticut State Supreme Court ordered a new trial for Richard lapointe. On Oct 2, 2015, on International Wrongful Conviction Day, he was set free. The judge ruled that he cannot be retried.
We close this wrongful conviction aspect of the Martin file but now we must work on it as a unsolved murder case. Someone killed Bernice Martin in 1987. I just hope that she will not become a forgotten file. Maybe we should keep reminding the Connecticut authorities by sharing her case online!