#CrimeChat will replace #cclivechat on Twitter. The chats that were already scheduled will take place on that agreed upon date and time e.g. Fridays from noon-1pm EST. This will change for future chats. They may no longer be weekly and may take place on different days of the week to better accommodate the schedules of my guests and me.
I have made a new category for #CrimeChat so that all the new chats’ recaps can be found in that category in the right margin.
The #cclivechat category will remain in the right margin as well so you can still easily find those recaps.
The schedule for now:
Nov 30: Natasha Phillips continues her chat on the position of children in UK family courts. We will discuss services available in cases of abuse/neglect and emotional abandonment (especially during divorce procedures), what can be done for children who are withheld medical services based on parental religious grounds, and last we will look into forced marriages for girls. Natasha generously agreed to do several chats concerning these topics. Check out her blog. Her Twitter account is here.
Dec 7: Gavin Ward returns to discuss writing for SEO plugins and more. His Twitter account is here.
Jan 11: PI Virginia Braden returns to discuss another case. Her Twitter account is here.
The rest will be announced as soon as possible so please check my blog’s home page for details.
Cheers, V