For this #cclivechat, we join Richard Case at the Fingerprint Society’s Annual Conference. Richard began his career in 1994 working at the South Wales Police Fingerprint Bureau. Richard was able to complete his training and qualified as an expert in early 2000. In May 2001, Richard was employed by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) where he has undertaken […]
Archives for April 2012
Guest post: Road death investigation by Dave Thomas
Guest post: Road death investigation by Dave Thomas. Dave has been a police officer for 15 years with the last 3 years on road policing. _________________________________________________________ Road death investigation and the importance of forensic evaluation. As a road policing officer based in the United Kingdom, I have seen advances in the last few years in automobile […]
What’s bothering me in Teresa Sue Hilt’s cold case
What’s bothering me in Teresa Sue Hilt‘s cold case? A lot bothers me in her case so this is a brainstorming session to get things clear in my mind: 1: Tess’ travel checks were found in the parking lot and her billfold was found near the rail tracks, both to the south of the apartment complex. […]