To completely understand the dynamics in the Zeigler case, I think we should make it more visual, to clarify what we are talking about. If you look into the right margin you will see that under “Last Modified Post” some of the older Zeigler posts show up again. I have added photographs for clarity. These photographs have been made by Mrs. Gail Anderson.
Some pictures will explain the entire case and after you see them and learn about the DNA reports, the case will speak to you!
Pictures of Tommy’s shirt that he wore that fateful night have been added in the post “Zeigler, Part VI.” Also, a picture of the lever has been added in the post “Zeigler, Part III.” An explanation about the shirt will follow.
Here in this post, I’d like to show you how cluttered the store was with furniture. Have you ever been furniture shopping? Look closely at these pictures and you can see that in ordinary light, the floor was cluttered to showcase as much as possible. Now imagine that you have to walk through all this in the dark and being on the lookout for a possibly armed subject!
Tommy has been patiently waiting for more people to read about the case and hopes that one day, he will get another chance in court to show that he was the intended murder victim who was not supposed to survive his shooting.
Background: In Dec 1975, a quadruple murder took place in the Zeigler Furniture Store (Winter Garden, Florida). The victims were Charles Mays, Virginia and Perry Edwards, and their daughter Eunice Edwards-Zeigler. The fifth victim, William Thomas Zeigler, became the sole suspect because he survived. The case is riddled by police misconduct (lying on the stand), prosecutorial misconduct (withheld evidence), and forensic testing disproving the charges.