On Feb 3, 2001, a mother and her daughter vanished into thin air. Police fear that the ladies are dead, murdered at the hands of people who are still walking around freely in the small town of West Chesterfield, NH.
From WMUR: “The weekend they disappeared, police said, Tina Sinclair had an argument with her live-in boyfriend, Eugene Van Bowman. Sometime later, she and her daughter disappeared.
There was no contact by phone or credit card or any kind of normal ways that you track a missing person,” said Senior Assistant Attorney General Will Delker of the New Hampshire Cold Case Unit. To add to the mystery, the Monday following that weekend, an unknown woman called Keene High School to report that Bethany wouldn’t be in class.”
An insider job by someone who knew Tina well and, who was clever enough to remember that Bethany’s school would have to be called if they did NOT want to raise any suspicion too soon. Who would think about such a small detail?
If you have any information about the Sinclairs, please call the New Hampshire Cold Case Unit. They contact information is here. Hat tip to Alan Horn for alerting me to this case.