Today, Ken Lang returned for another cclivechat related to his books, his cases used in the books and how he transitioned from cop to author. Ken is not just about crime control. He is an artist as you can see from his 3D skull reconstructions.
Ken told us about his work methods, how he styled his books to reflect the pace and tension in the homicide unit and which authors he likes to read.
We covered some very interesting details such as how long a book is these days, how many chapters per book, etc. Ken split up his cases so that the shorter ones cover about two chapters and the longer ones maybe five chapters. We also covered self-pub versus traditional publishing, reference manuals, real cop shows, and cover designs.
Ken hopes to have his third book out soon. We look forward to it.
Unfortunately, I cannot post a verbatim thread. For whatever reason, Tweetchat did not acknowledge Ken’s login, TweetDeck didn’t load as it should and the tweet search did not pick up Ken’s tweets to export to Excel. I will try to find another way to get the verbatim thread posted here. Sorry, Ken!
This was for now the last #cclivechat. Our next one is June 15 with Sue Carney on body fluids. See you then.