This NYPD Detective Sergeant, Joe Giacalone, needs no introduction on DCC but in case you missed it, here is a previous interview with Joe.
Joe is very active behind the scenes for DCC as he generously allows me to pick his brain at any given time. He participates in #cclivechat and helps with complex cases I am researching.
He has authored a bestselling text book and I hope that one day he will publish a non-fiction book!
1: How do you prepair for your day? Do you have a special routine?
Nothing out of the ordinary. I take the train to work, so I need to be up early for the extra travel time. I enjoy my morning coffee and the paper on my way in to work.
2: When did you realize that you wanted to be become an officer?
I always had some sort of civil service calling. I originally wanted to be a fireman.
3: Can you give us a brief overview of your law enforcement career?
I started my career patrolling the streets of the Bronx and when I was promoted I was sent to Brownsville, Brooklyn. After a few years, I was taken into the Detective Bureau where I was assigned a detective squad in Queens. After some time, I was moved back to the Bronx to be the Commanding Officer of the Bronx Cold Case Squad.
4: How does a child recognize a real police officer?
The police are easily recognized by the uniform, badge, radio, baton, and firearm. One thing that always drove me crazy was when parents were walking by with their kids and say, “You see that man? When you are bad he is going to take you away!” That is a bad message to send to children. If he or she is lost, they may avoid the person in uniform.
5: Do you have retirement plans?
I plan to do the things that I have neglected for the last 20 years, such as enjoying life. I would love to author another book and teach full time at a local college or university. I may retire from the police department, but I am definitely not going to sit on a couch and watch TV all day.
6: What advice do you have for young people who wish to become law enforcement officers?
Stay in school and stay out of trouble is my best advice. The economy is still pretty bad and when municipalities start hiring again they are going to choose from the cream of the crop. Anything bad in your background will automatically disqualify you these days. There are too many people looking for these steady jobs.
7: If you could trade places with a cartoon character for one day, who would that be?
Bugs Bunny.