Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers who celebrate this Holiday! Yes, it is a tad early but some people will start traveling this weekend and they may be offline next week. So I thought it was best to post this now.
In the past few months, I was able to post updates and new information in very old cold cases. This is a direct result of readers sending me newspaper links, explanations of the crime scene as it was back then, and police talking to me, supplying quotes, and correcting details in posts. Thank you for trusting me. What ultimately the results will be in these cases remains to be seen but what matters is this: we made the effort. And we made that effort together.
In these times, when the world doesn’t seem to be able to find a moment’s rest, it is important to be grateful for all the things that go right.
I am grateful for collaborations, for readers, for readers sending me links and sharing my posts on their social media platforms or blogs, for officers emailing back and trusting me, for everyone who wishes the victims’ families well, and to all who quietly like/retweet/share/mention these cases.
I know that I often occupy your social media timelines but I simply cannot forget these victims. If you read their stories they crawl into your heart and they stay there. They keep talking and I simply cannot turn away.
The Holiday Season is extremely difficult for some families. You cannot help all the families in the world or even those in your own country. But you can be kind to the people around you. You never know what goes on in their hearts and how heavy it is during the Holiday Season.
I am grateful for all who have helped raise the profile of my blog including tech man Jacques Soudan who has been with me from the start. On November 24, my blog will be six years old. I have no plans of slowing down.
Thank you again for your support. I am grateful for each and every one of you.
On to year seven!
Happy Thanksgiving,