As we near the end of this calendar year, I want to take a moment to wish you all a very happy Holiday Season. I hope that the New Year will bring you all that is good.
DCC turned fifteen this Thanksgiving. Thank you to all the readers who have been with me since 2009. It has been quite a journey, one I could not have made without you.
Thank you to all who forward me links, newspaper clippings, pictures, case updates, and who shared memories of their loved ones. Thank you for trusting me.
Another mention should go to all the book publishers and authors who sent me advance copies for review. It is my absolute pleasure and honor to be among the first to read your work. Thank you for keeping me on your lists.
Last, nothing would have been possible without the steadfast support and friendship from the man who built this site, and who until this day, maintains it, Jacques Soudan. Thank you, friend.
Have a fantastic New Year’s.