Amanda Lee Fravel went missing on Friday, June 13, 1986 from Las Vegas, Nevada. She was supposed to go home to see her mother in California. Her mother had even sent her an airplane ticket for the trip. She was to board June 14th. However, Amanda never boarded any plane and never arrived in California. […]
Archives for 2020
Nicky Verstappen, trial day 2
Day two covering the trial in the Netherlands in the 1998 unsolved case of Nicky Verstappen (11) who went missing from summer camp. Nicky was found dead 40 hours later. His body was a kilometer away from camp in an area where Christmas trees are grown for wholesale. All posts about Verstappen can be found […]
Nicky Verstappen, case on trial
Today the trial started in the Netherlands in the unsolved case of Nicky Verstappen. Appearing in court: Jos Brech. Brech is charged with abduction, possession of child pornography, and qualified manslaughter. Now, in court, Brech revealed that he didn’t kill Verstappen. When he found him, he was already dead. My translation from articles in the […]
Small Towns by Mitzi Szereto
‘Small Towns” is the next book in the series ‘The Best New True Crime Stories‘ which is of course, the anthology series edited by Mitzi Szereto. You have seen a review of the first book ‘Serial Killers’ here as well. Serial Killers was quite an opening act for a series and that raises the bar for […]
John William Pennington, an update
Thanks to a reader, we have a little more information in the 1985 unsolved case of John William Pennington. It comes from the insurance claims and appeals that John’s wife Peggy filed to seek recovery of reasonable costs as a results of John William Pennington‘s accidental and tragic death. The case is here. From the […]
Mary Emma Bisenthal Hammond: update
Thanks to one of my readers we get this update in the case of Mary Emma Bisenthal Hammond. Brantford Police is asking for your help. Can you identify and/or locate any of the four unknown persons in the pictures below? These are previously unreleased photographs. Investigators would like to speak with the unidentified persons regarding […]
1991 East Allentown John Doe
NamUs profile #UP16506 is about the unidentified 1991 East Allentown case that was uploaded on April 7, 2017. This case remains unsolved so I made it the Case of the Month for September, 2020. The Case On Sunday, April 28, 1991 around 6pm, two hikers on a hillside near Albert Street, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, found scattered […]
The Handy Candy Man by Cheryl S. Justice and Delilah G. Michael
Alice Louise Lee (Jun. 3, 1953 – Aug. 29, 1960) was just 7 years old when she was murdered. I wrote about her case before, here. In that post, an article is mentioned in which former Oregon State Police trooper Al Wolfe thought that Alice’s killer was an older person. You can find that article […]
The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz
The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz has its place on the website from the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Estate. Rightfully so, it is a wonderful read. Horowitz wrote a new story, that includes all our favorite characters, follows Holmes in a fast-paced investigation, and it is narrated by Dr. John Watson. The entire story […]
DeAngelo Jr., Convicted Felon
It is a rainy day on the East Coast. It set the perfect mood to write the introduction to this post. Because today, the man who ruined so many lives, the man who has dominated his many victims’ lives, will finally slip into the abyss of oblivion. Hence forth, Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. is a […]