William Ray Hagy Jr., who was convicted this week of one 1980s murder and is accused of another, is to plead no contest Friday to resolve the remaining charges against him, said his attorney, Gary Lumsden. Ray Hagy, 49, also is to be sentenced Friday, the Roanoke Circuit Court Clerk’s office confirmed.
Ray Hagy, who was convicted Wednesday at the end of a three-day trial for the murder of Cynthia Denise McCray in 1984, is ready to accept a life sentence and wants to return to the state’s Red Onion supermax prison, where he has been imprisoned for years for raping and sodomizing a 14-year-old girl, Lumsden said. “He wants to go home as quickly as possible,” Lumsden said.
After being convicted in McCray’s death, Ray Hagy still faced charges of rape and murder in the 1985 slaying of Audrey Anne West, and of abduction and rape for a 1984 attack on a 17-year-old girl. Trials have not yet been scheduled in those cases, but the charges likely will be resolved under a plea agreement that had not been finalized Thursday night, Lumsden said.
Hagy, who lived in Roanoke several times during a turbulent early life, has been incarcerated since 1985 for the attack on a 14-year-old Roanoke girl. He also was convicted of arson in a 1979 fire that destroyed part of the Roanoke Livestock Market. It was after his release from prison for that crime that the attacks on McCray, West and the two teens occurred.
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