Today were the closing arguments for the prosecution and the defense in the 1979 murder case of Michelle Marie Martinko. The order was as follows: First Assistant Linn County Attorney Nick Maybanks gave his closing arguments. The defense attorney Leon Spies, gave his for his client Jerry Burns. After that, the state got the change […]
William “Bill” Comeans (Jan 11, 1965 – Jan 7, 1980)
William “Bill” Comeans (Jan 11, 1965 – Jan 7, 1980) is the case of the month for February 2014. Comeans’ body was found by his dad just a block away from his home in West Columbus, Ohio. He had been strangled with his own scarf. His killer was never found. Comeans had been attacked twice […]
Verdict against Jasper S. expected April 19, 2013
Verdict against Jasper S. expected April 19, 2013. Jasper S. is of course standing trial re the 1999 rape-murder of Marianne Vaatstra. The prosecution asked for 20 years however, his lawyer thinks that is too much and expects a sentence of 15 years. He does not consider Marianne’s murder proven beyond a reasonable doubt. He […]