…Theresa’s body. They collected nine and a half fingernails. The goal of course, looking for DNA. Theresa was only 19 years old on Dec. 6, 1978 when she was raped…
Search Results for: mitochondrial DNA
Zeigler DNA Appeal denied
…in his three-plus-decade fight to get off death row. Tommy appealed to the state Supreme Court after a circuit judge denied his request to have DNA tests performed on his…
DNA does not solve 1984 murder of Vickie Long
Vickie Long DNA does not solve the 1984 murder of Vickie Long. Todd Campbell, who was arrested for her murder was acquitted. “During the investigation, DNA from the victim’s clothing…
Detecting DNA
…DNA matching from a distance is not. The patent Dr. Vass describes is a detector that can be used to find DNA and he claims 85% accuracy. Now compare this…
Zeigler closer to modern DNA testing
…the start. The preserved evidence pieces of guns, victim fingernail clippings and clothes will prove that he did not kill four people in 1975. Modern DNA testing may even shed…
Zeigler, at long last: DNA testing
William Thomas Zeigler/Grid AdS A motion was filed today by the William Thomas Zeigler defense team with the approval of the Orange County State Attorney’s office for DNA testing. It…
Kylie Maybury: DNA evidence
…8 last year, detectives again visited Davies at his home Waterford Park, this time requesting a DNA sample. He agreed. The results were damning. “His DNA profile was found to…
New DNA Technology
…forensic DNA collection method. This method will enable the team to produce a DNA profile strong enough to move the case forward. The Missing DNA Link Another commonality in these…
Wet-Vacuum Forensic DNA Collection Continues to Gain Support
…results. Of course, not every case, but the bottom line is if there is DNA material on the evidence, even when it is minute amounts of touch DNA, the M-Vac…
Sharron Prior: DNA and exhumation
…the cause of death was asphyxiation. She had many facial fractures. In 1975, we did not have DNA to bring us answers. But properly preserved evidence can be checked for…